Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about
“The Lazy Contractor’s Marketing Toolkit”

If you have a question about “The Lazy Contractor’s Marketing Toolkit”, then check this list  of common questions for the answer before you contact us.


I own a landscaping business. Will “The Lazy Contractor’s Marketing Toolkit” work for my type of business?
Absolutely! This will work with any type of contracting or trades business, such as roofers, siders, electricians, painters, excavators, and builders, with just minor changes. You see, the basic process of effectively marketing your landscaping business is the same as a home improvement contractor.

How many different marketing materials are included?
Currently, 19 different ads, rack cards, postcards, sales letters, and lead generation reports and books are included. We will add more and automatically send them to all buyers for free as they become available.

How do I get access to them?
Download and unzip (or extract) the files from the Download page. Then each marketing piece will be a separate PDF or Word file.

Are they “print ready”?
Yes. But you’ll need to have a designer change company info, logo, your offer, your own testimonials, (you DO have testimonials, don’t you?) and any other details to fit your business. Unless you’re changing the design or layout, your cost should be minimal.

I don’t have a graphic designer or printer – can you recommend one that does a great job and is affordable?
Absolutely! Just check out the About Us page for contact information.

If I have trouble downloading the ZIP file or one of the bonuses, what do I do?
Simply email Merrill or Kim (check out the Contact Us page), and one of them will respond within 24 hours, except on weekends.

Can I buy only the Buyer’s Guides, or certain postcards?
As of right now, individual materials are not sold separately. But think about it… why would you want to? The cost of just one of the Buyer’s Guides is $500. It’s a much wiser investment to get the complete package.



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